"the entire sum of existence is the magic of being
needed by just one other person"
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Currently reading...

Rule of Four
"Freakonomics" - Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner

Currently Listening To...

Rihanna - A Girl Like Me
Rihanna - A Girl Like Me

Last Movie I Saw...

Superman Returns
Superman Returns

Say Something

Past Reviews...

July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
December 2006
February 2007

disclaimer : first, anything seen or read here cannot and will not be held against me in any way. second, you should here if you are a friend or unless you are a blog surfer here killing time. and if you are you're really wasting your time reading a blog of a person you don't know, see right there, that's 3 seconds you aren't going to get back.
now, i'm currently a freshman/sophmore at santa clara university. that has become my home away from home, but then again, i also consider melbourne my home away from home. i love being surrounded by people, even if there's no talking involved. i thank my lucky stars everyday for my friends, my singapore soulmates, my melbourne mates and of course my santa clara family. i have 16 friends which i would do almost anything in the world for and all of them are spread out between these 3 countries. which sometimes makes me sad but then there are the wonders of the internet and mediaring which everyone should use instead of skype *shameless advertising here*
i love music. my ipod is almost my lifeline. television is the source of everything good in my world. i love reading too, although i may not look the type. so basically music, books and television are my life.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

okay SANNE!!
hahah no just kidding
a long over due post

pictures from my b'day
the wonderful decoration job my suities did

loves it :)

ak was here at 2:26 PM`


happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to meeee
happy birthday to me!

my suitemates (esp. kaci and jenni) are too sweet
they decked out the outside of my room door with streamers and ribbons
it's so pretty
and they wrote 'happy birthday alicia' on my mirror
i love them

the whole day was great
i didn't expect so many pple to know it was my birthday
hahaha must be because of facebook

had dinner with the rentals
(yes. they're in town again)
it was nice that i didn't need to caf. food on my b'day
the cake was super yum
kahlua cake yummmmm

anyway my parents went home this morning
i miss my mummy and daddy

i keep thinking about how different this birthday is from last year
last year
i spent my birthday at sentosa with my family
i had 9 months of holiday in front of me *sigh i miss that*
i could celebrate my friends
i was home

6 months till home

happy birthday to meeee...

ak was here at 1:09 PM`


Thursday, January 12, 2006

new term has started...
it's cold...but i hear it's rain hard in s'pore so i don't feel so sad
'misery loves company'
workload is kinda heavy this term...
i'm going to die..
but no early classes at all
none of them start before 11.30am!!

monday, wednesday and fridays i start at 11.45am
tuesdays and thurdays i start at 3.40pm!!!!!!


okay...here are the subjects for this term
religion and society 9
philosophy 12
math 31
political science 1
business 71

yeaaaah...lots of papers...
which i am NOT good at...
oh well!

missing you guys! lovee.

ak was here at 2:03 AM`


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

i just something cool...

if you had a pole
and asked the enitre population of China to walk past that pole
the line would never end cause of population increase!!

cool right?!

ak was here at 2:42 AM`
